Do Hiring Managers Consider a Prospective Employee’s Non-work History?

June 22, 2019

For the last year I’ve been looking for work in my life long profession, software development. I’m now in my 60’s and, because my wife had Alzheimer’s and Dementia for the last 20 years, I’ve got a substantial break in my employment history. During the last year I’ve been interviewed exactly one time, out of hundreds of positions I’ve applied for. And, regardless of my extensive background (over 35 years with full life cycle software development), I’ve been overlooked, excluded and told I should look for work in another field, all from recruitment firms and agents who believe I can’t possibly be productive with this size break. They seem to consider that, because I haven’t worked for nearly 20 years, that I’ve forgotten everything I knew and that the tech has left me behind.

In all the years I was working I spent many hours in training. Most (I’d say all) classes, I would become support for the teacher by helping others in the class to understand what was being taught. In all my years I’ve been able to remember every program I’ve ever developed, and could describe how each one was produced. In every position I’ve held I was able to improve the software environment, and thus improve the business productivity of each corporation/agency. In most cases saving them time and money (sometimes thousands of dollars per month) by streamlining the processes and/or making the processes work better/faster.

None of this matters in the process of looking for work because I’m not being presented to prospective employers. My knowledge of computers and software is not being passed along to them and, I’m at a loss as to how to remedy this situation.


March 29, 2012

A friend of mine who’s really into gaming, came to me with a dead system a couple of weeks ago. He’s got no money/income/job and his system is not working. Well, he’s in luck, to some respect, a roommate moved out leaving him his old system. Problem was, the friends system is a hard core gaming system with a graphics card and 600w power supply (which is just what was wrong with it) that would take upwards of $40 to replace, and the old system had a 300w which would not power the graphics card.
Problem (unusable system) solved (without the graphics card) by removing the GC, replacing the PS with the 300w (powering the board & drives) and the system becomes usable with the on-board video.
My friend named it “Frankenputer” 😉

Sippin’ Apple Pie

December 31, 2010

Sippin’ Apple Pie.
This is a secret recipe, so don’t tell ANYONE where you got it!!

2) 64 oz bottles apple juice (Use real juice for best flavor, not reconstituted)

2) 750 ml bottles blackberry brandy (Any brand)

1) 750 ml bottle spiced rum (I use Captain Morgan)

1) 750 ml bottle whiskey (I use Southern Comfort)

4-8) cloves

1/2) teaspoon cinnamon

2) 1 gal. bottles or covered crocks (I use bottles so the alcohol doesn’t evaporate away)

Mix all ingredients into the crock or jars. Refrigerate for 4-6 weeks shaking or stirring every other day. Strain through cheese-cloth into smaller bottles. Makes nearly 2 gallons.

It will cost you upwards of $50 to make this liquor (remember, it’s for sipping!!!), but I guaranty you will get lots of praise for it and everyone will want the secret to its making.

Easy ClickBank Security

August 5, 2008

ClickBank transactions can be difficult to keep secure, hiding your affiliate links and keeping your download directory secret.  But, with PHP (which most hosting sites provide) that can be easy.  I’m not going to discuss the securities available with the .htaccess file here.  Just a simple way to use PHP to secure your transactions.

PHP is a relatively simple programming language that has some powerful features.  The first of which is its “Server side” processing.  Server side processing means that the HTML pages that are produced by the code are created at the remote server.  This means that the code to produce the page is never seen by the end user, only what results from the process.  This intrinsic property makes PHP the perfect tool for securing your ClickBank transactions.

First, ClickBank uses an open URL affiliate link, which gives users the ability to insert their own affiliate, or a friends, ID in the link before processing.  Thereby stealing the commission that would normally go to you.  Secondly, as the provider of the product being sold, you have a vested interest in keeping your products safe from theft.  ClickBank provides an encryption based solution to validate the purchase process, but this process does not keep the download link safe from the purchaser, or anyone that makes the effort to discover your “Thank you” page…that page which allows the purchaser to obtain the product.

Now, let’s get down to brass tacks.  The first method I’ll show you is how to protect your affiliate link.  All that’s required is a one page, one line, PHP page.  As you can see below, the page contains only one line and is used in your href on the page you use to direct traffic to ClickBank for the purchase of your promotional item.

<?php header(“Location:;); ?>

The affID and pubID are not actual ID’s, of course.  But, the above line, used in a PHP page will provide a hidden link to your affiliate sale on ClickBank.  Used in your Promotional page, this method will effectively hide the IDs from modification prior to use.  Simply use the PHP page in the link you provide on your pages, as shown below (assuming the PHP page is called affiliate.php)

a href=”affiliate.php” target=”_blank”

That done, let’s get on to the security of the purchase process.  This will require some additional PHP coding to include all the optional methods that you may desire.  Such as, including the purchaser in your Autoresponder program or database, sending follow-up eMails or including the purchaser in a “Preferred Customer” program.  These can be included, but this example doesn’t go to that length.

First, let’s look at what ClickBank provides for its verification process.  Below, you’ll see the parameters ClickBank provides to validate the purchase process:

ClickBank receipt number (cbreceipt)
Epoch time of the order (time & seconds)
ClickBank item number (item)
ClickBank proof of purchase (cbpop)
Customer name (cname)
Customer e-mail (cemail)
Customer zip (czip)
Customer country (ccountry)
Affiliate nickname (cbaffi)
Vendor variables (up to 128 characters)

These values are passed back to your “Thank you” page, or the page you provide to receive the return transaction.  As well, the “Vendor variables” can be used to return the product name, if you are selling more than one product.  The example I show includes the ability to inject the product name according to the Item number, so it’s not necessary to pass the product name through the payment process.
The code below begins with a modified version of ClickBank’s provided validation function and is included in the PHP page, so it’s not necessary to create an “Include” page to embody it separately or to “Request” the passed values inside the function (as is the method suggested by ClickBank).

First is the cbvalid function where your transaction is verified.  Next is a segment to destroy any prior cookie values.  Then comes the code to gather and process the values provided by ClickBank in the return from the purchase.  In this segment you would include your “Secret Key” where “YOURSECRETKEY” is located.  And finally, where “YOURTHANKYOUPAGE” is located would be your PHP Thank You page.  Notice that the parameters passed in this href do not include the “cbpop” value, that is obtained from the cookie values stored previously.

=====================Begin page==================
function cbValid($skey, $rcpt, $time, $item, $cbpo)
{ $xxpop=sha1(“$skey|$rcpt|$time|$item”);
if ($cbpo==$xxpop) return 1;
else return 0;

if (isset($_COOKIE[‘receipt’])) {setcookie(“receipt”, “”, time()-3600);};
if (isset($_COOKIE[‘time’])) {setcookie(“time”, “”, time()-3600);};
if (isset($_COOKIE[‘item’])) {setcookie(“item”, “”, time()-3600);};
if (isset($_COOKIE[‘proofop’])) {setcookie(“proofop”, “”, time()-3600);};
if (isset($_GET)) {
if (isset($_REQUEST[‘cbreceipt’]) && isset($_REQUEST[‘time’]) && isset($_REQUEST[‘item’])) {
$rcpt = $_REQUEST[‘cbreceipt’];
$time = $_REQUEST[‘time’];
$item = $_REQUEST[‘item’];
$cbpo = $_REQUEST[‘cbpop’];
$cbna = $_REQUEST[‘cname’];
$cbem = $_REQUEST[‘cemail’];
$cbzp = $_REQUEST[‘czip’];
$cnty = $_REQUEST[‘ccountry’];
$affi = $_REQUEST[‘cbaffi’];
$dtal = $_REQUEST[‘detail’];
if (!isset($dtal)) {
if ($item==’1′) {$dtal=”Product1″;};
if ($item==’2′) {$dtal=”Product2″;};
if ($item==’3′) {$dtal=”Product3″;};
if ($item==’4′) {$dtal=”Product4″;};
if ($item==’5′) {$dtal=”Product5″;};
if (cbValid($skey, $rcpt, $time, $item, $cbpo)==1) {
setcookie(“receipt”, $rcpt, time()+3600);
setcookie(“time”, $time, time()+3600);
setcookie(“item”, $item, time()+3600);
setcookie(“proofop”, $cbpo, time()+3600);
$cbna=str_replace(” “,”+”,$cbna);
header(‘Location: YOURTHANKYOUPAGE.php?item=’ . $item . ‘&dtal=’ . $dtal . ‘&cbna=’ . $cbna . ‘&rcpt=’ . $rcpt);
} else echo ‘NOPE (someone is trying to fool your system)’;
} else echo ‘NOPE, (someone is trying to fool your system)’;
==================End Page=================

Next is the Thank You page.  This page may be created as you wish, and is included here only as an example of how to provide a page to allow the purchaser to click a Download button.  The important part is located in the line: “href=”DOWNLOADPAGE.php?item=$item””.  This line directs the purchaser to your download, through a hidden PHP link.  You should replace DOWNLOADPAGE with your actual page name.

=====================Begin page==================
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN”>
<html xmlns=””&gt;
<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″ />
if(self!=top) { url=self.location.href;
if(document.images) { top.location.replace(url); }
else { top.location.href=url; } }
else { self.focus(); }
<?php echo ‘<title>’ . $dtal . ‘ Sales Page</title>’ ?>
<style type=”text/css”>
body {
font: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
background: #666666;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: center;
color: #000000;
.oneColElsCtrHdr #container {
width: 46em
background: #FFFFFF;
margin: 0 auto
border: 1px solid #000000;
text-align: left
.oneColElsCtrHdr #header {
background: #FF01FF;
padding: 0 10px 0 20px
text-align: center;
.oneColElsCtrHdr #header h1 {
margin: 0;
padding: 10px 0;
.oneColElsCtrHdr #mainContent {
padding: 0 20px;
background: #FFFFFF;
.oneColElsCtrHdr #footer {
padding: 0 10px;
.oneColElsCtrHdr #footer p {
margin: 0
padding: 10px 0;}
<body class=”oneColElsCtrHdr”>
<div id=”container”>
<div id=”header”> <?php echo ‘<h1>’ . $dtal . ‘</h1>’ ?>
<!– end #header –>
<div id=”mainContent”> <?php echo ‘<h1>Thank you ‘ . $cbna . ‘ for Purchasing ‘ . $dtal . ‘!</h1>’ ?>
<p>You’ve been directed to this page so you can download your purchase. To complete your transaction, please click the button below and your purchase will be downloaded to you from our vault. Reminder: your credit card or bank statement will show a charge by           ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM.</p>
<h2><u>Do Not</u> close this page until your Download has finished!</h2>
<p>In case the download fails, for any reason, you can restart it from here. If you close this page and the download fails, you will be required to reenter through the ClickBank system (You will not have to pay again). You will receive a ClickBank receipt for your purchase. Read it and you’ll find a link to reestablish your connection with this page so you can attempt to download the product again.</p>
<p align=”center”><a href=” DOWNLOADPAGE.php?item=$item”><img src=”_images/dl_now.gif” alt=”Download Click Here” width=”128″ height=”45″ /></a></p>
<p>If for any reason you need to contact send your eMail to us at:</p>
<?php echo ‘<p><a href=””></a> and please include your invoice number (‘ . $rcpt . ‘) from ClickBank as proof of purchase. Thank you again for your support.</p>’ ?>
<!– end #mainContent –>
<div id=”footer”>
<!– end #footer –>
<!– end #container –>
==================End Page=================

Finally, the Download PHP page.  As in the Return PHP page, this one also includes the ClickBank verification process.  This is to protect you from someone finding the Download page and using it directly to obtain unauthorized access to your products.

=====================Begin page==================
function cbValid($item) {
if ($cbpo==$xxpop) return 1;
else return 0;

$item = $_REQUEST[‘item’];
if (cbValid($item)==1) {
if (isset($item)) {
if ($item==’1′) { header(“Location:;); };
if ($item==’2′) { header(“Location:;); };
if ($item==’3′) { header(“Location:;); };
if ($item==’4′) { header(“Location:;); };
if ($item==’5′) { header(“Location:;); };
else {
die(“Error: Attempt To Download File Without Authorization…”);
==================End Page=================

This completes the process of securing your ClickBank purchase process.  Good luck and happy returns!

Website traffic, SEO, Lists, eZines, Directories…

July 19, 2008

With the experiences I’ve had recently, in the area of web site design for internet businesses, I’ve learned a few practices that could be of use to others just starting out in the field.

First of all, if some trick you’ve heard about sounds easy it probably will not work.  The key to getting traffic to your site is “Work”.  It takes time, effort and diligence to make a site traffic friendly.

Sure enough, Search Engines are becoming smarter and smarter with the tricks that are being played.  So, don’t use them!  Take your time, put in all the page attributes ON EVERY PAGE!  Like image alts, titles, text links, and most important content.  You have to be eloquent, productive and on point with what you say.

If you have a hard time keeping your thoughts strait, think about paying someone to write your content for you.  But, get that content in there.  Without it, you’re just another small site that will rank in the double digit pages.

Shooting Competitions

July 19, 2008

Now this I can get into, except for that loud bang!

I was in a blackpowder revolver competition back in the early 90’s, but I didn’t have a revolver to shoot.  Let alone an 1850’s era black powder revolver.  So, Ex-brother-in-law says, “You can borrow mine!” (a Navy Arms Colt 45).  I’m sure he figured I’d place somewhere near the bottom of the list and have some fun in the process.

I got 5 shots of “practice” (ex-bil had been practicing for most of the year leading up to this).  I then took my 10 shots on the competition target, turned it in and figured I’d come out near the bottom among the 50-60 other shooters.  When it came time to give out the awards, I was shocked and pleasantly surprised to hear my name called to receive the 2nd place trophy.  My ex-bil was shocked too.  He never loaned me any of his guns again, especially in competition against him.  😉

Hello Newbies!

July 19, 2008

Welcome to Dinotech’s (that’s me) web log.  If you’ve got anything good to say to me, please be my guest and post.  Otherwise, be breif and I’ll see if I can refrain from deleting it too fast :-þ

Optical Mousecateers

July 19, 2008

It’s the newest show on the net.  People who’ve decided to make their mark by publishing/working/blogging on-line.

I’ve helped only a few people get their place on the web.  One guy (I’m working for him now) is a real entrepreneur.  Every money making opportunity that hits the street has passed by his eyes and through his computer.  Most of the stuff he sees is worthless crap (can I say crap?) and he knows it.  But there have been a few interesting ideas that have paused on his screen.  One is this Healthy Chocolate.

It’s called Xocai and it’s suppose to be more healthy than those acai berries that have such a high antioxident level.  I’ve been eating the cookies and the power bars for the last couple of months and I’ve got to say that last time my Mom visited she said, “Shell, you look more healthy that you did a year ago”.  Last year I was diagnosed with Diabetes and I was in a slow spiral of loosing weight and was, until a couple of months ago, looking thin around the fringes.  But now, I’m sure, I’ve got more vigor and spunk (can I say spunk too?).

Well, I’ll let you know how this progresses and if I die you’ll be the first to know  :/