Website traffic, SEO, Lists, eZines, Directories…

July 19, 2008

With the experiences I’ve had recently, in the area of web site design for internet businesses, I’ve learned a few practices that could be of use to others just starting out in the field.

First of all, if some trick you’ve heard about sounds easy it probably will not work.  The key to getting traffic to your site is “Work”.  It takes time, effort and diligence to make a site traffic friendly.

Sure enough, Search Engines are becoming smarter and smarter with the tricks that are being played.  So, don’t use them!  Take your time, put in all the page attributes ON EVERY PAGE!  Like image alts, titles, text links, and most important content.  You have to be eloquent, productive and on point with what you say.

If you have a hard time keeping your thoughts strait, think about paying someone to write your content for you.  But, get that content in there.  Without it, you’re just another small site that will rank in the double digit pages.

Shooting Competitions

July 19, 2008

Now this I can get into, except for that loud bang!

I was in a blackpowder revolver competition back in the early 90’s, but I didn’t have a revolver to shoot.  Let alone an 1850’s era black powder revolver.  So, Ex-brother-in-law says, “You can borrow mine!” (a Navy Arms Colt 45).  I’m sure he figured I’d place somewhere near the bottom of the list and have some fun in the process.

I got 5 shots of “practice” (ex-bil had been practicing for most of the year leading up to this).  I then took my 10 shots on the competition target, turned it in and figured I’d come out near the bottom among the 50-60 other shooters.  When it came time to give out the awards, I was shocked and pleasantly surprised to hear my name called to receive the 2nd place trophy.  My ex-bil was shocked too.  He never loaned me any of his guns again, especially in competition against him.  😉

Hello Newbies!

July 19, 2008

Welcome to Dinotech’s (that’s me) web log.  If you’ve got anything good to say to me, please be my guest and post.  Otherwise, be breif and I’ll see if I can refrain from deleting it too fast :-þ

Optical Mousecateers

July 19, 2008

It’s the newest show on the net.  People who’ve decided to make their mark by publishing/working/blogging on-line.

I’ve helped only a few people get their place on the web.  One guy (I’m working for him now) is a real entrepreneur.  Every money making opportunity that hits the street has passed by his eyes and through his computer.  Most of the stuff he sees is worthless crap (can I say crap?) and he knows it.  But there have been a few interesting ideas that have paused on his screen.  One is this Healthy Chocolate.

It’s called Xocai and it’s suppose to be more healthy than those acai berries that have such a high antioxident level.  I’ve been eating the cookies and the power bars for the last couple of months and I’ve got to say that last time my Mom visited she said, “Shell, you look more healthy that you did a year ago”.  Last year I was diagnosed with Diabetes and I was in a slow spiral of loosing weight and was, until a couple of months ago, looking thin around the fringes.  But now, I’m sure, I’ve got more vigor and spunk (can I say spunk too?).

Well, I’ll let you know how this progresses and if I die you’ll be the first to know  :/